• A navigation service coordinates various nonvisual components that track the user as they navigate along a predetermined route. You use MapboxNavigationService, which conforms to this protocol, either as part of NavigationViewController or by itself as part of a custom user interface. A navigation service calls methods on its delegate, which conforms to the NavigationServiceDelegate protocol, whenever significant events or decision points occur along the route.

    A navigation service controls a NavigationLocationManager for determining the user’s location, a Router that tracks the user’s progress along the route, a Directions service for calculating new routes (only used when rerouting), and a NavigationEventsManager for sending telemetry events related to navigation or user feedback.

    NavigationViewController comes with a MapboxNavigationService by default. You may override it to customize the Directions service or simulation mode. After creating the navigation service, pass it into NavigationOptions(styles:navigationService:voiceController:topBanner:bottomBanner:), then pass that object into NavigationViewController(for:options:).

    If you use a navigation service by itself, outside of NavigationViewController, call start() when the user is ready to begin navigating along the route.

    See more



    public protocol NavigationService : CLLocationManagerDelegate, ActiveNavigationEventsManagerDataSource, RouterDataSource
  • A navigation service delegate interacts with one or more NavigationService instances (such as MapboxNavigationService objects) during turn-by-turn navigation. This protocol is the main way that your application can synchronize its state with the SDK’s location-related functionality. Each of the protocol’s methods is optional.

    As the user progresses along a route, a navigation service informs its delegate about significant events as they occur, and the delegate has opportunities to influence the route and its presentation. For example, when the navigation service reports that the user has arrived at the destination, your delegate implementation could present information about the destination. It could also customize individual visual or spoken instructions along the route by returning modified instruction objects.

    Assign a NavigationServiceDelegate instance to the NavigationService.delegate property of the navigation service before you start the service.

    The RouterDelegate protocol defines corresponding methods so that a Router instance can interact with an object that is both a router delegate and a navigation service, which in turn interacts with a navigation service delegate. Additionally, several location-related methods in this protocol have corresponding methods in the NavigationViewControllerDelegate protocol, which can be convenient if you are using the navigation service in conjunction with a NavigationViewController. Normally, you would either implement methods in NavigationServiceDelegate or NavigationViewControllerDelegate but not RouterDelegate.




    See more



    public protocol NavigationServiceDelegate : AnyObject, UnimplementedLogging
  • A concrete implementation of the NavigationService protocol.

    NavigationViewController comes with a MapboxNavigationService by default. You may override it to customize the Directions service or simulation mode. After creating the navigation service, pass it into NavigationOptions(styles:navigationService:voiceController:topBanner:bottomBanner:), then pass that object into NavigationViewController(for:options:).

    If you use a navigation service by itself, outside of NavigationViewController, call start() when the user is ready to begin navigating along the route.

    See more



    public class MapboxNavigationService : NSObject, NavigationService
    extension MapboxNavigationService: CLLocationManagerDelegate
    extension MapboxNavigationService: RouterDelegate
  • A class conforming to the Router protocol tracks the user’s progress as they travel along a predetermined route. It calls methods on its delegate, which conforms to the RouterDelegate protocol, whenever significant events or decision points occur along the route. Despite its name, this protocol does not define the interface of a routing engine.

    There are two concrete implementations of the Router protocol. RouteController, the default implementation, is capable of client-side routing and depends on the Mapbox Navigation Native framework. LegacyRouteController is an alternative implementation that does not have this dependency but must be used in conjunction with the Mapbox Directions API over a network connection.

    See more



    public protocol Router : CLLocationManagerDelegate
  • A router data source, also known as a location manager, supplies location data to a Router instance. For example, a MapboxNavigationService supplies location data to a RouteController or LegacyRouteController.

    See more



    public protocol RouterDataSource : AnyObject
  • A RouteController tracks the user’s progress along a route, posting notifications as the user reaches significant points along the route. On every location update, the route controller evaluates the user’s location, determining whether the user remains on the route. If not, the route controller calculates a new route.

    RouteController is responsible for the core navigation logic whereas NavigationViewController is responsible for displaying a default drop-in navigation UI.


    Creating an instance of this type will start an Active Guidance session. The trip session is stopped when the instance is deallocated. From more info read the Pricing Guide.
    See more



    open class RouteController : NSObject
    extension RouteController: HistoryRecording
    extension RouteController: Router
  • A router delegate interacts with one or more Router instances, such as RouteController objects, during turn-by-turn navigation. This protocol is similar to NavigationServiceDelegate, which is the main way that your application can synchronize its state with the SDK’s location-related functionality. Normally, you should not need to make a class conform to the RouterDelegate protocol or call any of its methods directly, but you would need to call this protocol’s methods if you implement a custom Router class.

    MapboxNavigationService is the only concrete implementation of a router delegate. Implement the NavigationServiceDelegate protocol instead to be notified when various significant events occur along the route tracked by a NavigationService.




    See more



    public protocol RouterDelegate : AnyObject, UnimplementedLogging
  • RouteProgress stores the user’s progress along a route.

    See more



    open class RouteProgress : Codable
  • RouteLegProgress stores the user’s progress along a route leg.

    See more



    open class RouteLegProgress : Codable
  • Declaration


    extension RouteStep
  • RouteStepProgress stores the user’s progress along a route step.

    See more



    open class RouteStepProgress : Codable
  • Declaration


    extension CongestionLevel
  • Declaration


    extension VisualInstruction
  • The VisualInstructionDelegate protocol defines a method that allows an object to customize presented visual instructions.

    See more



    public protocol VisualInstructionDelegate : AnyObject, UnimplementedLogging
  • The NavigationEventsManager is responsible for being the liaison between MapboxNavigation and the Mapbox telemetry framework.

    See more



    open class NavigationEventsManager
  • The ActiveNavigationEventsManagerDataSource protocol declares values required for recording route following events.



    public protocol ActiveNavigationEventsManagerDataSource : AnyObject
  • A data source that declares values required for recording passive location events.



    public protocol PassiveNavigationEventsManagerDataSource : AnyObject
  • NavigationLocationManager is the base location manager which handles permissions and background modes.

    See more



    open class NavigationLocationManager : CLLocationManager
    extension NavigationLocationManager: RouterDataSource
  • ReplayLocationManager replays an array of locations exactly as they were recorded with the single exception of the location’s timestamp which will be adjusted by interval between locations.

    See more



    open class ReplayLocationManager : NavigationLocationManager
  • The SimulatedLocationManager class simulates location updates along a given route.

    The route will be replaced upon a RouteControllerDidReroute notification.

    See more



    open class SimulatedLocationManager : NavigationLocationManager
  • A NavigationRouteOptions object specifies turn-by-turn-optimized criteria for results returned by the Mapbox Directions API.

    NavigationRouteOptions is a subclass of RouteOptions that has been optimized for navigation. Pass an instance of this class into the Directions.calculate(_:completionHandler:) method.

    This class implements the NSCopying protocol by round-tripping the object through JSONEncoder and JSONDecoder. If you subclass NavigationRouteOptions, make sure any properties you add are accounted for in Decodable(from:) and Encodable.encode(to:). If your subclass contains any customizations that cannot be represented in JSON, make sure the subclass overrides NSCopying.copy(with:) to persist those customizations.

    NavigationRouteOptions is designed to be used with the Directions and NavigationDirections classes for specifying routing criteria. To customize the user experience in a NavigationViewController, use the NavigationOptions class.

    See more



    open class NavigationRouteOptions : RouteOptions, OptimizedForNavigation
  • Declaration


    extension RouteOptions
  • A NavigationMatchOptions object specifies turn-by-turn-optimized criteria for results returned by the Mapbox Map Matching API.

    NavigationMatchOptions is a subclass of MatchOptions that has been optimized for navigation. Pass an instance of this class into the Directions.calculateRoutes(matching:completionHandler:). method.

    Note: it is very important you specify the waypoints for the route. Usually the only two values for this IndexSet will be 0 and the length of the coordinates. Otherwise, all coordinates passed through will be considered waypoints.

    See more



    open class NavigationMatchOptions : MatchOptions, OptimizedForNavigation
  • The simulation mode type. Used for setting the simulation mode of the navigation service.

    See more



    public enum SimulationMode : Int
  • An object that notifies its delegate when the user’s location changes, minimizing the noise that normally accompanies location updates from a CLLocationManager object.

    Unlike Router classes such as RouteController and LegacyRouteController, this class operates without a predefined route, matching the user’s location to the road network at large. You can use a passive location manager to determine a starting point for a route that you calculate using the Directions.calculate(_:completionHandler:) method. If the user happens to be moving while you calculate the route, the passive location manager makes it less likely that the route will begin with a short segment on a side road or driveway and a confusing instruction to turn onto the current road.

    To find out when the user’s location changes, implement the PassiveLocationManagerDelegate protocol, or observe Notification.Name.passiveLocationManagerDidUpdate notifications for more detailed information.


    Creating an instance of this class will start a free-driving session. If the application goes into the background or you temporarily stop needing location updates for any other reason, temporarily pause the trip session using the PassiveLocationManager.pauseTripSession() method to avoid unnecessary costs. The trip session also stops when the instance is deinitialized. For more information, see the “Pricing” guide.
    See more



    open class PassiveLocationManager : NSObject
    extension PassiveLocationManager: PassiveNavigationEventsManagerDataSource
    extension PassiveLocationManager: HistoryRecording
    extension PassiveLocationManager: CLLocationManagerDelegate
  • Types that conform to this protocol record low-level details as the user goes through a trip for debugging purposes.

    See more



    public protocol HistoryRecording